All Abilities Golf providing fun, healthy experiences for people living with disabilities & their carer. Gives you a feeling of inclusion, being part of a team, meaningful connection & friendships. Client Cost is only $20 (your carer does not pay) With coaching and mentorship from Joyologist Marc Bright who was a professional PGA golf player & has had over 10 yrs experience working with people with any kind of dissability, - we like to say Different Ability !!
Come & join us at Cooroy Golf Club, Myall Terrace Cooroy from 10 am - 12.30 every Monday!

Private Coaching
Book private 1:1 coaching Receive personalised coaching from former PGA golf player Marc Bright ! For anyone wanting to improve their golfing game !!
Group Bookings
Dissabilities coaching sessions
Enquire about our after school & school holidays group sessions