It’s about Connection to Community
We bring community together for a brief time here at Serpentine Ridge, several times a year, meeting & forming bonds, who then take what’s been experienced & felt as relevant & important, right for their own lives back to their own area & communities.
Our events are based around learning from example of what ourselves & others are doing, connecting, fun & giving back to the land. The themes & individual elements for our events involve honoring & giving back to the land through ceremony, tree planting, with native bush tucker, bush medicine, bush floristry being our focus, planting for future corridors for wildlife to use as a pathway & habitat.
Our themes are earth based, focusing on for example mud brick making for young & old, celebrating the abundance of nature in flowering times of year, a world peace day, something very relevent or needing to be heard, conscious movies…the list is endless & these events are usually around the equinoxes or special moon event, or significant day.
We celebrate with ceremony, fire, drumming, singing dancing, with art, with food!! In all of this embrace many native cultures and their handed down wisdoms hoping to find our way forward in this connection to spread the seed then to plant into other communities!! (Check our events section for more information on our planed events, details & bookings)
Indigenous Community Connetions
For many years we have embraced our community connections with Indigenous Aboriginal Elders, Marc has walked the land for over 25 years, learning on the go with Aboriginal Elder Uncle Eugene Bargo - (Country is Burri Burri & Nargo - Law Man, Australian Bush Nursery, Consultancy & Floristry service). Eugene & Marc have run groups with young indigenous youth, Lands Services removing cat’s claw & finding solutions for other invasive species.
Milly has lived & travelled extensively in the Northern Territory taking her puppet performances, art funshops & Giant Puppet Parade creatures to be decorated & paraded throughout the local communities & festivals over four years.
Marc Bright & Milly Hine the backbone of Serpentine Ridge Both Marc & Milly have lived, travelled & worked in Wide Bay, Cooloola, Sunshine Coast for over 35 years, have been involved in the Saving of the Mary River, & other areas of concern that go under threat of harm, miss-use or destruction. Milly has been the custodian of the Land at Serpentine Ridge here at Widgee for over 33 years, Marc has joined her in the land since 2021. Marc has been a contractor in land care services revegetating & planting 1iteraly many thousands of native trees up & down the coastline. Together they have made a commitment to their connection to the land & to bring people together to find that connection too.
When we go out into the Community
You will often find Marc & Milly out in the community at large, both being performers, artists, working with Children & Adults at Festivals, & events, schools, expos - spreading seeds (pearls of wisdom) in their creative uplifting messages. The first Sunday of each month you will find them at Kin Kin Markets with their puppetry & Joyology Rainbow Shows, if you would like to catch up, we love to meet! We regularly network with people & professionals from all walks of life!
All Abilities Golf Community Group
Every Monday at Cooroy Golf Club, you will find the All Abilities Golf Wellness & Connection team who have been led by Marc Bright (formerly PGA professional Golf Player) The team in different forms has been going for well over 10 years, the first All Abilities Golf playing golf on the course in Australia. Marc is passionate about golf & teaching the skills to those who are keen to get out into nature & enjoy their sport, the sunshine, & connect & form friendships, have fun & feel included! All Abilities, is more than golf, we are passionate about helping the creatures & putting habitat back on the golf course, we identify native species of creatures & plants, we plant bush tucker, bush medicine & bush floristry, we have festive BBQ’s, have “Art Meets Golf” & regular visitors. By the Way, Cooroy Golf Course has first yarning circle in Australia so far that we know of!
You can learn Golf soon at Serpentine Ridge
We are developing a golf 3 hole range on the flat land out here at Serpentine Ridge, the All Abilities Golf Team have checked it out & give it their seal of approval !! Anyone who wants to improve their skills can learn with Marc either private lessons or in after school sessions, (will be added to our Events Calendar when they are available)
We Have our own Nursery here at Serpentine Ridge
We buy in tube stock, as well as creating our own trees from seed & cuttings. At any one time we would have a thousand or so trees being cared for in our nursery. These trees are for planting, transplanting, and revegitation of the land, improvement of habitat. We are daily planning & planting new gardens & walks, always with minimum disturbance & connecting with the land with the vision of the future of more habitat for wildlife. Sometimes that means taking out old dead trees that have become dangerous, creating a pathway where there are a few of the very common types of smaller shrubs to & to help recreate original species to back to the land or to bring in more varieties from past land degredation. Any removal of species is carefully planned for minimum disturbance. We do not sell our grass trees, although at some point we will propagate seed for giving back to the land. We are always keen of having people stay and learn about care of plants, please contact us to see what we have on offer.
Inviting the Community out every weekend in July our “Sacred Heart Art Gallery & Studio” will be open to the Public to come out & visit, Sat & Sun 9.30am- 3.30pm to Celebrate with the Annual Studio Art Trails in Gympie
If you are travelling around Gympie, Wide Bay, Widgee, Rainbow Beach Cooloola areas for the month long Celebration of Studio Art Trails in the Gympie region, happening in the different districts on differing weekends, our Gallery will be open every weekend in July & displaying Milly’s personal collection of art to be viewed, with items for sale in our Gallery Shop. Come out for a walk around the gardens & go up onto the Ridge to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the surrounding countryside, we’ll make you a cuppa & something yummy to have with it!!
(Other times the Gallery will be open by appointment. Come & say hi if you are planning to be in the area !!)
We are developing weekly fun relaxing art workshops for adults to be held in our Sacred Heart Art Studio at our Welcome Center here, from 10.30 - 2.30, starting in July, keep an eye on July events calendar!! You will enjoy a yummy morning tea (Lemon Myrtle Cheesecake is always a favorite), vegetarian lunch, tea, coffee (funshops will include basket weaving, dream catcher making, drawing & painting with different mediums, just the tip of the iceberg).